
Frequently Asked Questions

What is a "scrumentalist"?

It’s a term I created to capture my weird, wonderful mix of skills as a behavioral profiler (mentalist, if you will) and my experience in the tech field. Now, I help you learn a framework for improving communication with everyone you work with on a daily basis… as long as they are human.

Do you only work with technical and/or Scrum teams?

I work with any team that wants to work faster, more efficiently and with excellence.

I have a special place in my nerdy heart for tech teams, like Scrum teams, because I spent my entire career working with large technology services companies. (And my non-nerd friends would like me to meet some fellow nerds that I can drag to the opening night of every Marvel movie.)

Annoyed by all of this tech talk? I have a different website that is less focused on tech. If all this tech talk is bugging you, please head over to metsy.com.

Did you really actually write code for a living?

Yes, I was a programmer for more than 15 years.

I was trained in procedural C. Spent the bulk of my tech career writing custom web applications using classic ASP. I know, it’s old tech. But most of my projects were 6 weeks from idea to launch, so ASP let me control as much of my environment as possible. I tried to get ASP .Net implemented three times, but IT kept reorganizing before my servers went live.

I managed SQL databases. Wrote custom batch processes. Wore a pager for when the servers went down.

I don’t code much anymore. (Thank you, WordPress.)

What are you certified in?

DISC behaviors, Motivators, Acumen, Soft Skills (competencies).

  • Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA), TTI Success Insights
  • Certified Professional Motivators Analyst (CPMA), TTI Success Insights
  • Certified Professional TTI TriMetrix HD Analyst (CPHDA), TTI Success Insights
  • DISC Modeling, Competitive Edge, Inc.
  • Motivators Modeling, Competitive Edge, Inc.
  • Global Models and Benchmarking, Competitive Edge, Inc.

I know you’re curious if I squeaked by on those tests. My lowest score was 96.98%. Shiny.

Which assessments do you use?

When you pull employees away from their desks for training AND spend the money to get a tool, wouldn’t you want to use ONE to fix MANY issues? One set of tools for team building, hiring, and more. Yep, found it. It’s as close to one-stop shopping as possible.

Thankfully, I use tools from a company called TTI Success Insights (TTI).

Over three decades, TTI has researched and applied social and brain science, providing assessment solutions in 90 countries and 40 languages used to hire, develop and retain the best talent in the world. TTI has worked with over 100,000 companies. TTI tools are EEOC and OFCCP compliant and are continuously tested and refined to ensure the highest standards of ethics and reliability. (In English, that means that they are safe to use as a part of your hiring process in the U.S., because they don’t impact any protected classes.)

Every 7 seconds, someone is taking one of these assessments.

TTI’s TriMetrix® HD assessments combine four sciences – behaviors, motivators, competencies and acumen – in one validated, bias-free and fully integrated assessment.

  • Behaviors – Four dimensions of normal behavior (DISC) or “how” we behave
  • Motivators – Six basic motivators that drive us or “why” we take action
  • Competencies – 25 research-based soft skills directly related to the business environment
  • Acumen – A person’s keenness and depth of discernment, identifies how we think and make decisions

I also provide emotional intelligence (EQ) assessments and a job stress assessment.

All assessments are completed online (via computer, not tablet or smartphone yet.)

Why should I care about taking assessments?

What gets me up in the morning is a need to help you fix broken communication at work. To help you get the right people in the right jobs.

To give you such amazing insight into people that they start to think you are reading their minds.

I believe science and technology should serve people.

You can learn more in 10 minutes by reading the results of one of my assessments than you could learn by observing that person for A YEAR. You read that right. I’m a fan of 10 minutes, not a year.

Can I profile you and provide services without assessments? Absolutely. But you would pay more. And it’s not an efficient use of our time.

Use my tools, my knowledge and my experience. I am here to help.

Do you use personality assessments? What if I fail your assessments?

I try not to get riled up when people ask me to do a personality test on them (or when they call me a life coach.)

I understand those are common terms, so I get why you use them. I would like to explain why I don’t like the terms “personality” and “test.”

Personality cannot be measured by any one test or assessment. You are a wonderfully complex human, and I do not expect my assessments to sum up the whole of who you are. For example: These assessments do not measure intelligence, experience, or education.

I measure DISC behaviors (how you work), motivators (why you work), acumen (world and self-view), soft skills, and emotional intelligence.

With those important pieces of the puzzle, you can improve your ability to communicate with others, manage your energy level, make decisions about what job you are most suited for, make decisions about who to hire to fit the job and the team, and so much more. I have seen this knowledge rebuild teams and heal relationships.

I don’t want you to stress out about taking my assessments, because you cannot fail them. They are not pass/fail tests.

There is no good or bad DISC profile. There are no right or wrong motivators. (Only good fit to a specific job and team, there is.)

Certain DISC profiles may be more suited to certain types of jobs. Different company cultures will attract and retain certain motivators.

Disclaimer: If you are going through a traumatic life event or life change, your results may reflect the uncertainty you are dealing with. I am not a psychologist, and I will not ask you to share your personal situation. I may recommend counseling before we begin our coaching sessions. I can reassess you again 6-9 months at no additional cost.

Soapbox: If you try to “game the test,” it will show up in your results. And I will tell your boss. You will no longer be my client.

What do you charge?

It depends. (Stop rolling your eyes.)

How many people are on your team? Do you want me to deliver training via the Internet machine or in person? How many topics do you want me to cover? Are you hiring new people or helping existing teams?

You see where this is going.

The good news! Book a free 15 minute discovery session to tell me your woes.

Then, you sit back while I put together a proposal custom-made for you.

What is your refund policy?

The explanation using lawyer jargon from our Terms and Conditions… You understand that once we begin a project, our fees are non-refundable. If a project includes an assessment, then the project will be deemed as officially started once we generate the custom assessment response link even if no additional work has been started for the project. That link is emailed to the customer after creation of the assessment. Fees are not dependent upon results and no specific outcome may be promised. If you cancel an appointment of 30 minutes or more with less than 24 hours notice (as logged via receipt of email, fax or voice mail if made outside of business hours), the fee is deemed fully earned by Metsy Corter Consulting, LLC having held the time available for you and is non-refundable.

All that being said… I want you to be thrilled with the services we provide. If you are not satisfied with our services, please reach out asap. Our goal has always been to create a happy, thriving community. If you are not thrilled with the product or are not enjoying the experience, then we have no interest in forcing you to stay an unhappy member.

Are you a psychologist? Life coach? Recruiter? HR person?

No. I am not a psychologist. I am not a life coach. I am not a recruiter. I am not an HR generalist. I am not a real blonde.

I am a behaviorist or behavioral profiler. I train people to use the study of human behavior and motivators to communicate more effectively.

I provide scientific assessments used for training, one-on-one coaching and for help in making hiring decisions. (I do not make the final hiring decisions for you. You are the boss.)

Don't Be Shy

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, reach out y’all.